Many cats enjoy eating human foods, and fortunately, most of them are safe for our furry friends to eat. But what about peas, are they safe for cats?
In this article, you will learn about giving peas to cats. I hope this information will be helpful for you and that you’ll enjoy reading this article.
Can Cats Eat Peas Safely?
Yes, cats can eat peas safely but there are a few things you should know before giving peas to your cat. Cats should not eat pea pods because they can be a choking hazard, so be careful and don’t give peas with pods to your feline. However, you give peas to your cat in moderation.

Cats require animal-based protein and fat in their diet, and it’s found in meat, poultry, fish, and in the wild. That’s why cats should eat peas only as an occasional treat, in small amounts and they should be cooked at home.
Keep reading to know more about cats and peas, such as how much peas cats can eat. Do cats like eating peas? Are peas beneficial to cats? And much more.
Do cats like peas?
Some cats like peas, whereas others don’t like peas, just like humans, some of us like peas and some may not. If you want to know whether your cat like peas or not, try giving her a single pea and see what she does.
Remember, the pea should be plain without extra oil, salt, or other spices and seasonings.
4 Health benefits and pros of peas for cats

There’s a common misconception that cats aren’t able to digest fruits and vegetables and can’t use their nutrients but it’s not true. There are some fruits and vegetables that cats can eat safely, can digest, and even they can use their nutrients.
Following are the 4 health benefits of peas for cats.
Peas Aid the GI system:
Peas are beneficial for cats, as they contain a plentiful amount of fiber, mostly in their skins. Whereas fiber is a valuable resource for our furry friends with constipation or diarrhea.
While too many peas aren’t good for cats, in small amounts you can add it to rice in a bland diet and give it to her, to help settle an upset stomach of a cat.
Peas help in preventing dehydration:
Fruits and vegetables contain a good amount of water in them but fortunately, peas are 79% water. They help in preventing dehydration by providing water and it also helps maintain fluid levels in the intestines and elsewhere in the body.
Peas provide various nutrients:
Peas contain many vitamins and minerals and some of them are beneficial for cats also.
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin K
- Folate
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Sodium
- Zinc
- Manganese
- Iron

These nutrients are good for a cat’s eyes, skin, immune system, fur, muscles, nerves, and bones. However, it also contains fiber and protein.
How many peas can I give my cat?
Consuming too many peas can make your cat sick. The recommended amount of peas for cats is about a tablespoon throughout the whole day, you can give her one, two, or three times a week.
However, you can also discuss it with your vet, he will recommend you the best amount of peas for your cat.
What’s the best way to feed peas to cats?
It’s best to give steamed peas to your cat without adding any extra ingredients in it that can be harmful to cats.
Moreover, you can give fresh or frozen steamed peas to your furry friend, it depends on your choice.
In addition, Before giving peas to your cat make sure to remove them from their pods.
Is Pea Soup Safe for Cats?

The pea soup which contains seasoning and spices isn’t safe for cats to eat, it may lead your cat to digestive issues.
If you want, you could mix plain, and steamed peas with some bone broth or plain chicken soup to make a healthy and safe food for your furry friend. Whereas this type of plain pea soup is safe for them.
Can peas cause allergic reactions in cats and what are the cons of peas?
Fortunately, peas aren’t a common allergen for cats, but unfortunately, they can cause an allergic reaction in some cats.

Following are some symptoms of an allergic reaction in cats.
It can include:
- Itching
- Skin irritation
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Respiratory problems.
If you suspect that your cat may have an allergy to peas, stop giving her peas and take her to the vet, immediately.
Related Questions
Can cats eat corn or peas?

Yes, cats can eat corn and peas but as we know cats are obligate carnivores then there’s a question how can cats eat corn and peas? Actually, cats can eat many vegetables such as potatoes, corn, peas, and other things like sorghum, oats, rice, etc. Therefore, these items are digestible to cats and dogs both.
Are pea pods poisonous to cats?
No, cats are unable to digest peas so it’s permissible to share peas with your cat but you should first take pods away from peas so that your cat can enjoy peas without getting ill. Hence pea pods are not poisonous to cats but they can cause upset stomachs in cats.
What veggies can cats eat?
Cats can enjoy eating many vegetables such as cooked carrots, peas, corn, potatoes, green beans, zucchini, winter squash, spinach, pumpkin, etc. However, these vegetables should be served well cooked to your cat so that your furry friend can enjoy eating without choking problems.
Can cats eat peas and lentils?

If your cat isn’t allergic to lentils then you can give cooked lentils to your cat. Moreover, you should give lentils to your cat in a limited amount because excessive amounts of lentils can cause upset stomach, gas problems, diarrhea, digestive issues, etc.
Cats can eat peas in moderation and without pea pods because they can be a choking hazard.
No doubt, peas contain many nutrients that are good for the cat’s overall health but too many peas aren’t good for them. Homemade, without extra oil, salt, spices, and seasonings you can serve it to your feline friend.
If you want to know whether your cat likes it or not, try giving it to her. Hopefully, your cat will enjoy eating it but again it depends on the cat’s personal choice.